Parents & Citizens Association
A great way to meet new people & be a part of our friendly school community
At Manjimup Primary School P&C we share the same vision and that is to foster community interest in educational matters.
MPS P&C is a dedicated, very welcoming and friendly association that makes a part of our school community. We encourage positive relationships and cooperation between parents and carers of students, our Principal, Teachers, Administration, the School Board and members of the school community. We are a supportive, proactive P&C that ensures the school reflects the needs of our children and school.
Everyone’s input is valued and the time of our volunteers is greatly appreciated. At MPS our P&C Association has conducted many fundraisers, school and community events that have collectively raised significant funds for our school. In recent years the P&C has proudly purchased educational resources and contributed and funded many exciting school projects and provided improvement of facilities that you see in our wonderful school every day.
Many hands together can achieve great things… We encourage you to join our P&C Association through your journey at Manjimup Primary School, meet some new people, share your ideas and have some fun!