Pastoral Care
Manjimup Primary School places a very high priority on the programmes and methods by which we support the social and emotional needs of our students. The pastoral care support was bolstered in 2015 across a myriad of support mechanisms, this has continued to develop, and remains a heavy focus.
A whole school approach to ensuring the Behaviour Management plan was embedded in all rooms helping ensure it is consistently applied by staff in all classes. Our school rewards program has shown positive achievements of all students, and celebrate those who consistently apply themselves and live by the CARER values at MPS. The CARER values consist of Cooperation, Attitude to Learning, Respect and Care, Equity and Responsibility. We have a strong communication pathway using our school applications, newsletter and community paper.
The school has demonstrated ‘effective relationships to support student learning’. This is evident through discussion with students, staff and parents. The positive relationships have continued to develop between home and school. Parents are extremely supportive of the school’s pastoral care approach, the changes to student behaviour and their ability to communicate easily with the staff and leadership.
Manjimup Primary School provides support for all students, staff and school community, promoting a healthy lifestyle, healthy minds and positive mental health. We will continue to ensure we provide a calm and positive environment with a strong focus on pastoral care and student wellbeing.