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Our Campus 19 Finch Street, Manjimup W.A.

Supervised School Hours 8:30am – 3:00pm | Monday to Friday

Reception (08) 9771 9000   |   Report an Absentee (08) 9771 9000

 Principal’s Welcome 

Welcome to the Manjimup Primary School website. As a prospective family it is our hope that we provide you with relevant and important information.

As Principal of Manjimup Primary School I believe that effective leadership has a critical role in the school environment. There are four main criteria to influencing achievement:

  • a strong teaching team
  • student-learning climate
  • resources
  • and parent involvement.

To ensure steadfast results with student achievement these four factors must be nurtured and have invested time and energy. A team that displays a sense of teamwork, inclusiveness in planning, teaching, and assessing instruction, a shared vision and collaboration will demonstrate higher student achievement both academically and in social-emotional intelligence.

I look forward to welcoming you and your child/children in person to the school and working closely with our friendly teachers in supporting your child’s development.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a time to discuss your child/children’s schooling. I firmly believe that between us we can achieve the best possible outcomes for your child.