Our Programs
Early Education
Setting Your Child Up For The Best Start
At Manjimup Primary School our programs include Pre Kindy for 3 year olds, Kindergarten for 4 year olds and Pre-Primary for 5 year olds. Our goal is to provide our students with the best early learning to set them up for a successful school journey into their Primary School years and beyond.




3 Year Old Program
Pre Kindy
The Pre-Kindy program at Manjimup Primary School is designed to introduce children and their families to a fun, engaging learning experience. We focus on taking a holistic approach, paying attention to the children’s physical, personal, social, emotional and spiritual well being as well as cognitive aspects of learning. While we may plan or assess with a focus on a particular outcome or component of learning, we see children’s learning as integrated and interconnected.
We build on children’s strengths, skills and knowledge to ensure their motivation and engagement in learning, responding to children’s expertise, cultural traditions and ways of knowing, the multiple languages spoken by some children, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and
the strategies used by children with additional needs to negotiate their everyday lives.
Children thrive when families and educators work together in partnership to support young children’s learning. Children’s early learning influences their life chances. Wellbeing and a strong sense of connection, optimism and engagement enable children to develop a positive attitude to learning.
Our pre kindy program runs for 2 and a half hours each week. During this time the students engage in a range of fun experiences to learn our daily routines which make their transition to school life much easier.
They also engage in a range of explicitly taught activities to help develop their social skills, their colour, shape, and letter and number knowledge.

4 year old program

At Manjimup Primary School we understand that as parents you not only want the best for your child, but also you would like feel confident that your child is in good hands.
The kindergarten program undertaken is carefully and thoughtfully planned and prepared by the staff around the child’s own stage of development. When we speak of development we mean children’s language, social, emotional, physical and intellectual development.
By providing learning experiences in a stimulating environment and catering for individual needs, we support each child to reach their potential.
Your child will soon feel at home and enjoy the experience of making new friends.
We encourage your involvement as parents. Your many abilities and talents are appreciated and if they can be incorporated into our program, it will make an even more enriching experience for the children.
Parents are invited to come on roster once or twice per term. This provides you with the opportunity to:
In addition you can help by: providing assistance to children; joining in with puzzles, block play, music or in an area you feel comfortable; assisting children at activity tables; as well as having a good time!
5 Year Old Program
Pre Primary
Setting your child up for the first official year of school.
Pre-Primary is the first official year setting your child up for an enriching education here at MPS. Teachers guide your child through the year to develop his/her skills in the social, emotional, cognitive and physical areas of development.
The teacher will observe your child’s progress during the year and will plan the programme to cater for his/her needs.
The teacher will also maintain contact with the parents through newsletter, personal contact and upload class and individual milestones using the Seesaw communication application.
Parent Involvement each term we will send out a parent roster where parents are invited to come along for a morning and help us with our programme. It is an enjoyable time for you and your child as the children love to show you around their centre and spend time together.